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Repipe Services Orange County
Repipe is a term used quite often in the plumbing world, what is repipe?
With time the pipes and water lines in your home age and at some point will need to be replaced, especially galvanized metal pipes.
Signs you have a burst or broken pipe can be loss of water pressure, a different color to your water and a higher than average water bill.
if you do have any of these signs call OC Plumbing & Restoration immediately because every minute that passes by can just cause more and more damage.
Repair or repipe?
Galvanized metal builds more and more rust on the inside and makes it harder for water to pass through.
If your home in orange county does have metal pipes, we recommend to repipe, because if you break walls to fix the damage pipe and then later on another pipe breaks you will have to keep chasing your tail and costs can become a lot higher than switching to copper pipes.
you will be very happy and see a huge difference with our repipe services because metal carries rust and polluted water, while both our copper pipes or PEX are rust free.
our goal is to start you off with the right materials for southern California so they can last the longest and the same time provide you with the highest quality repipe job possible so it lasts for as many years as possible.